SIG-11 Shareware Library:

Here is a list of Shareware and Public Domain Software I have accumulated 
over the past several years for the use of members of SIG 11. These items
are an older reference to those in Software Toolkits.

Dave Jaffe

July 24, 2002 - Note: these items are no longer available from the SIG-11

RESNA SIG 11 Software Library DISK 2 RESOURCE, 1-KEY, ALT, BIGCHAR, BIGCURS, H-KEY, LOCK, and STAYDOWN RESOURCE is a listing of resources that may be of interest to computer users who are visually impaired or blind. This list was created by and is maintained by the staff of the Western Blind Rehabilitation Center (WBRC). TXT, SIG 1-KEY is a program for latching the shift, alt, and ctrl keys. ALT locks the alt key of the keyboard to allow ASCII codes to be entered on the number-pad. IBM BIGCHAR is a batch file utility that allows scrolling of text in "big characters." The large characters are based on the particular computer used and its BIOS ROM bit patterns, so output will vary. IBM BIGCURS changes the cursor to a large one or back to normal. IBM H-KEY is a writing tool for people with severe motor disabilities. H-KEY uses a single switch key entry principle for entering text. By displaying pictures of keyboards ("logical" keyboards) from which characters are selected to be typed, rather than from a physical keyboard, H-KEY simplifies the process of typing characters and carrying out complicated text handling functions which would otherwise (using a conventional keyboard) be far too complex for the handicapped user. H-KEY is intended to be used by people of average or better intelligence who have poor or no control over hand and finger movement and who desire, for one reason or another, to write. Likely users would be those with cerebral palsy, stroke victims, those suffering from spinal injury, etc. Average or better eyesight and the ability to operate a switch by hand, foot, or whatever, are prerequisites to using H-KEY. IBM LOCK is a utility to set/reset NumLock, CapsLocks, and ScrollLock. IBM STAYDOWN is a TSR program that permits a shifting key (shift, ctrl, alt) to be physically released while remaining logically depressed until the key it was supposed to modify is actually depressed. IBM
Disk 3, Disk 4, Disk 5, Disk 6 ENABLE READER Enable Reader 4.0 Professional Speech System is screen reader software supporting the following seven speech synthesizers on an IBM: Artic Technologies - Speech Board Speech Plus - CallText 5050 Digital Equipment Corp. - DecTalk Street Electronics - Echo GP Votrax, Inc. - Votalker IB Votrax, Inc. - Votrax PSS Votrax, Inc. - Votrax PSS/B
DISK 7 IMPAIRED Font This is a laser printer font for people with visual impairment. This diskette contains a proportional-pitch font in portrait orientation for use in laser printers compatible with the HP LaserJet II. The size of the font is appropriate for printing 7.5 lines per inch, with approximately 72 characters (maximum) per line. The appearance of the font is designed to optimize human recognition and distinction among the characters, even if the characters appear slightly blurred. IBM
DISK 8 SN1.1 Special Needs SN1.1 Public Brand Software Disk for Special Needs. The B-Ware family of software brings large-character displays to DOS. It was originally written for vision-impaired users, but can also make faint characters legible on hard-to-read laptops. All the B-Ware programs run in text mode and use characters that are 8 columns wide and 4 rows deep. A normal text display of 25 rows of 80 characters holds 6 rows of 10 characters of B-Ware text. These B-Ware characters require no special hardware; they can be displayed on any monochrome or color monitor. On EGA screens running in 108-column or 43- line mode, the B-Ware products will display more large characters on each screen. BIG UTILITIES is an easy-to-use memory resident utility for the vision impaired. It enlarges all the letters on the current text-mode screen in about 15 different sizes. The program lets you adjust the current screen setting to any size within its limits. Color graphics required. BTYPE and BDIR are substitutes for the DOS commands TYPE and DIR. BLOOK is a text file browser. BEDIT is a text editor that uses a variety of character sizes to display all output, including help and error messages. The characters range from normal text size to large block characters that each take up 4 standard rows and 8 standard columns. BPOP is an easy-to-use memory-resident "magnifying glass" utility for the vision impaired or for hard-to-read laptops. It pops up over text mode screens of other programs and enlarges them, making them easier to read. It includes a choice of magnifications, on-line help, on-the-fly font size changes, text search, and more. Color graphics required. HAL-16 This particular package has been produced to enable a user to access the information on an IBM or suitable clone using synthetic speech. The software is loaded into the computer and then it protects itself and stays in memory while you run other programs. The program sends appropriate information to the speech synthesizer. Essentially the program will enable you to access the computer in three ways: 1) speak what you type into the computer either by character or by word (or not at all), 2) speak what is on the screen, and 3) speak what is sent to the display. TYPESLOW copies a file to the standard output, delaying for a short time between characters. This allows the input to be read more easily, as perhaps part of a demonstration or instructional batch file. IBM
DISK 9 AUGMENT AUGMENT provides teachers, parents, and caseworkers with information about a client's unique situation regarding augmentative communications readiness and provides skill building exercise and resources. This disk has been made available from: Computer Use in Social Services Network. IBM
Disk 10, Disk 11 CAPTAIN'S LOG DEMO CAPTAIN'S LOG demonstrates a cognitive rehabilitation system. These disks provide a demonstration of software designed to train basic cognitive functions including attention, concentration, memory, visual-motor, numeric concepts, and reasoning skills. They are for use with individuals age 6 + with head injuries, learning disabilities, strokes, mental retardation, or to facilitate early learning. It can also be used as a pre-post drug treatment assessment tool for attention deficit disorder. A mouse is required for the program, but not for this demonstration. Color graphics required. This disk has been made available from: Computer Use in Social Services Network. IBM
DISK 12 DD CONNECTION DD CONNECTION illustrates a disabilities oriented bulletin board. This demonstration illustrates the DD Connection, a local bulletin board and database which is operated by the National Association for Retarded Citizens. IBM
DISK 13 MINDREADER MINDREADER is a type-ahead word processor. This software is a powerful text editor that uses a patented artificial intelligence techniques to suggest completion of words and/or phrases. It allows an unskilled typist to complete a document in a fraction of the keystrokes normally required with a conventional word processor, and checks spelling "on-the-fly" before words are even completed. The more you use MINDREADER, the smarter it becomes because it learns about your style of writing. It contains a unique facility that "guesses" the word or phrase that you are trying to type and presents its "guess" in a pop-up window. A single keystroke will call the word or phrase into the text. MINDREADER includes most features found in good word processors, plus items like glossaries with 260 canned phrases, pop-up calendar, Rolodex, and diary. This is a fascinating program and is perfect for the slower typist as well as the busy professional. This disk has been made available from: Computer Use in Social Services Network. IBM
DISK 14 1-FINGER 1-FINGER makes keyboard more usable for those with disabilities. This program allows a user to operate the keyboard with one finger or pointer. The program remains resident in the computer once invoked, and works with the IBM PC, IBM XT, IBM PCjr, IBM Convertible, IBM AT, and true compatibles. The program is able to determine which computer is being used, and provides many options to allow the user to configure the program to meet their specific needs and situation. The program is completely invisible when used by individuals who don't require its operation. IBM
DISK 15 STICKEY, POWERMENU, and KEYLOCK STICKEY is a one finger/stick computer access program with keylock. This program allows upper-case and other "mode" characters like Shift-a, Ctrl-z, or Ctrl-Alt-Del to be entered by pressing the mode and character keys one after the other, rather than holding down the mode key while pressing the character key. For example, to enter the character Ctrl-z, first press the {Ctrl} key then press the z key. STICKEY allows someone using only one finger, a mouth stick, or head wand to better access the computer. This disk has been made available from: Computer Use in Social Services Network. IBM POWERMENU is an operating environment for an IBM PC or compatible which acts as a "super highway," providing easy access to any application on your PC. Word processing, spreadsheets, and all of your PC programs are just a keystroke away. This disk has been made available from: Computer Use in Social Services Network. IBM KEYLOCK is a program to help physically handicapped persons to use a PC. For someone who can only hit one key at a time, key sequences like control- C or alt-F1 or ctrl-alt-delete become impossible. This program changes the ctrl, alt, and the left shift keys into locking keys, much like the num lock or caps lock keys. IBM
DISK 16 WPK - Word Processor for Kids WPK is an easy to use large font word processor designed for young children. It uses 40 or 20 columns per screen mode. A 10 column, 3 row screen version is also available for the visually impaired. This disk has been made available from: Computer Use in Social Services Network. IBM
Disk 17, Disk 18, Disk 19 SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS is an ASCII text version of Hypercard stack of computer resources for special education and rehabilitation. It contains information about more than 1400 hardware and software products that make Apple II and Macintosh computers accessible. SIG, TXT
DISK 20 SERVICE DELIVERY SERVICE DELIVERY contains files with organizations and the services they provide from the Rehabilitation Technology Service Delivery Directory. One file contains the names and addresses of organizations that indicated that they routinely provided computer applications to their clients/patients. Compiled by: Rita Thomas Noel of Western Carolina University School of Business. Also contains the text of Public Law 99-506, Section 508. TXT
DISK 21 MMPI DEMO MMPI is an interpretive report program demonstration disk from Applied Innovations. This disk has been made available from: Computer Use in Social Services Network. IBM
DISK 22 TRACKER and CATCHER TRACKER is a general purpose income/expense tracking program written for the blind. The program is designed to be used with a speech synthesizer to speak information usually read from the screen. The documentation consists of internal help screens for each of the programs commands. IBM CATCHAR is an interesting twist on an old theme. The object is to catch falling characters with a paddle at the bottom of the screen. The twist is that the program was written (like TRACKER) with blind people in mind. The game can be used with a speech synthesizer and played without the need for a screen display (even though it does have one). Instructions are included within the program. IBM
DISK 23 LEARN TO SIGN and SIGN FRIENDS LEARN TO SIGN is a tutor program aimed at teaching the American Sign Language. This release only supports 'finger spelling' but support for actual signs such as mother, father, etc. is planned as is speech. IBM SIGN FRIENDS is an excellent menu-driven interactive graphic sign language tutorial for people who are hearing impaired, non-verbal, interpreters, or just want to learn sign language. It animates the signs on the screen so that one can practice alphabets, numbers, colors, days, cognitive and interrogative words, emotions, and much more. Also includes tests. Requires graphics and BASICA or GWBASIC to run it. IBM
DISK 24 Education of the Handicapped Act This disk contains the Education for all Handicapped Children regulations, indexes, and explanation as well as special education model for local educational agencies. TXT
DISK 25 ITSD Demo ITSD Demo features the Integrating Technology into Service Delivery Project - Arlington, TX. IBM
DISK 26 Computerized Books for the Blind Catalog and RALPH THE READER Computerized Books for the Blind and Print Handicapped Catalog. TXT RALPH THE READER can display an ASCII text file, WordPerfect or Wordstar file to the computer's monitor and/or speech synthesizer a screen at a time, jump to the beginning or end of any file immediately, jump to any line number within a file, search forward or backward in a file for any text string, and search forward or backward for control characters. IBM
DISK 27 SIG 11 Papers '90 This disk contains the text of twelve SIG 11 papers from the RESNA '90 conference. The intention is to provide this information in accessible format and not to substitute for the conference proceedings. SIG, TXT
DISK 28 OT Fact Demo Disk This disk demonstrates integrated functional assessment software developed by Roger O. Smith (Trace Center) and available from the American Occupational Therapy Association, 1381 Piccard Dr., P.O. Box 1725, Rockville, MD 20850-4375, 301/948-9626.
DISK 29 BPOP and BIG Utilities The programs on this disk are text mode magnifying utilities that aid people whose eyesight is significantly impaired. IBM BIGMONO is a memory resident text mode screen magnifier for systems without graphics adapters that constructs the characters by using one of the IBM upper block characters in a rectangular grid, similar to the way a dot matrix printers works. The characters are crude in appearance to someone who has normal eyesight, but they serve the purpose. There is no way for the user to vary the magnification factor. The one available size is about a third the height of the PC screen. BIGMONO will work with the IBM MDA as well as CGA, EGA, VGA, and Hercules compatible adapters. BIG is a memory resident text mode screen magnifier. It stores the text appearing on a text mode screen and rewrites it in a stroked font in a graphics mode. The user can adjust the magnification and move about the "enlarged" screen to read all of it. When escape is pressed, the original text mode screen is restored so that keyboard entries can be made. BIG is compatible with CGA, EGA, VGA, and Hercules compatible adapters. TYPER is a touch typing teaching aid for graphics screens. BPOP is an updated memory-resident magnifying glass. It pops up over text mode screens of other software and enlarges them, making them easier to read. BPOP is designed for vision impaired users, but can be used in any situation where it is hard to see the computer screen, such as enlarging faint letters on a laptop or making a computer demonstration visible to people in the back of a conference room or classroom. The current version 2.0 of BPOP now gives a choice of magnification. On a CGA display for example, you can get an enlargement of 10, 20, 26, 40, or 53 characters per line.
DISK 30 Talking Keyboard TALKING KEYBOARD will speak any number or letter key pressed or one of 126 preprogrammed words. An additional circuit is required for programming additional words. IBM
Disk 31 20/20 20/20 is a large-type word processor. Using one of seven sizes of text, from "small" at 50x16 to "huge" at 12x3, both laptop and vision impaired computer users will find editing text to be far easier than ever before. 20/20 has a complete set of word-processing features, and can operate well by itself. However 20/20 will best be used in connection with an advanced word processor such as Microsoft Word, Borland's Sprint or Micropro's Wordstar. IBM
Disk 32 BBS FOR THE HANDICAPPED - TOP TEN and INTERNET An article by Gordon L. Gillesby from Boardwatch Magazine, October, 1991, page 47. The author is a writer disabled by a chronic disease process and volunteers as the Director of Information Resources, United Handicapped Federation, in St. Paul. Also on this disk is an announcement of an INTERNET site dedicated to handling programs and information files for the handicapped. TXT
Disk 33 MAGIC MAGic is a software solution which provides 1.2, 1.4 & 2x text magnification, 2x graphics magnification, 10 dynamic "bookmarks". MAGic is compatible with DOS and Windows programs running on PCs equipped with VGA, XGA, or SVGA video systems. MAGic Deluxe adds 4, 6, 8 and 12 text screen magnification and a magnification locator display. The MAGic and MAGic Deluxe demos operate unrestricted for 30 minutes. IBM
Disk 34 POWERMENU 5.32 PowerMenu is a DOS shell environment for your PC which provides easy access to any program on your hard disk. When you want to start a program, select it from the menu. After you install the program into PowerMenu, no interaction with DOS is required to run it. You press one or two keys and you are ready to use the program. When you're done, PowerMenu returns automatically, awaiting your next command.
Disk 35 ADAnet & ADAnews ADAnet and ADAnews - Example of the ADAnet computer network system and on- disk newsletter organized by Bill Freeman of the Disability Law Foundation, P.O. Box 374, Pinson, AL 35126. "ADAnet is an electronic telecommunications network providing National and International access to others with disabilities on a variety of topics, and also a variety of files. This forum includes topics ranging from disability law to new products useful in adaptive living, and even personal answers to questions about living with a disAbility. ADAnet has been formed to educate, protect and serve the disabled community, helping them gather the information that they need to compete in a technological world. ADAnews contains news of interest to the disAbled community, discussion on the American's with Disabilities Act of 1990, and an update on the activities of the Disability Law Foundation."
Disk 36 PC-Talk This software is a library of over 100 digitally sampled words and phrases with a program to reproduce them through the PC's speaker. The sound quality isn't great, but the words are completely understandable.
Disk 37 Morse Code / Ham Radio Programs Two programs for producing Morse code from the keyboard, one also decodes and displays received Morse code. A Morse code tutor program for multiple students. Also, FCC theory practice exams for Novice, Technician, and General class licenses.
Disk 38 Finish Line Memory resident word and phrase learning and prediction program. DOS and Windows versions.
Disk 39 Freedom Writer Demo Demonstrates input program for persons with limited mobility. Cursor key and scanning demonstration of a one key, mouse, light pen, speech, and joystick-operated word processor. Includes HELP U TYPE, offering keyboard macros, word prediction, automatic spacing, repeat key defeat, and one finger operation.
Disk 40 ADA-KIT Kit to help colleges and universities comply with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act. Contains text instructions, surveys, and questionnaires. From EDUCOM.
Disk 41 FreeBoard Demo Demonstrates software allowing non-keyboard input. Allows users to work with most software using only a trackball, mouse, joystick, row/column scanning, or optical pointer.
Disk 42 Income Protection Planner Plans for having financial security if one becomes disabled and is not able to work.
Disk 43 Peter's Program Freeware rudimentary joystick word selection communication system. Allows users to compose sentences by selecting words from menus. Requires BASICA.
Disk 44 Newkey 5.4 Shareware key redefinition keyboard enhancer. Memory resident software to assign any sequence of keystrokes to any key to speed input. Works with most programs and word processors. Includes WarpSpeed which speeds up the repetition rate of the keyboard without overruns.
Disk 45, Disk 46, Disk 47, Disk 48 WorkNet Demo Demonstrates job development program. A programs for rehabilitation and job development counselors that organizes information about employees and jobs and retrieves this information in useful reports.
DDisk 49 ZoomText Demo Demonstrates a memory resident screen magnification program. Magnifies DOS and many spreadsheets, word processors, databases from 2 to 8 times. Runs for 5 minutes before terminating.
Disk 50 Fingerspell The FSPELL drill program is a faithful, tireless practice partner for fingerspelling. It spells words on the computer screen, repeating words on request, at a range of speeds selected by the user.
Disk 51, Disk 52 Demo Dots 3.0 Demo Dots is a demonstration of Hot Dots, a braille translation program. It is designed to take word processing files and turn them into braille. If you do not have access to a braille embosser, then you will have difficulty evaluating this program.
Disk 53 AccessDOS 1.0 AccessDOS is a set of DOS extensions which provide additional flexibility in the user-interface for DOS, and which are useful to individuals both with and without disabilities. The extensions in this package allow the user to control the key repeat, to adjust the way the keys on the keyboard respond when pressed, to make all modifier keys into locking keys (something like the caps lock key), to control the mouse cursor with precision from the keyboard, and to obtain a visual indication of beeps or other sounds made by the computer.
Disk 54 Access Pak for Windows Access Pack for Microsoft Windows makes it easier for users to control the keyboard and mouse when using Windows versions 3.0 or 3.1. It was developed by the Trace Center and is designed primarily for individuals with motion-related disabilities who may have difficulty using the computer keyboard or mouse, and for individuals who prefer visual feedback in place of sounds. Access Pack provides the following features: 1) allows single- fingered typing, 2) ignores keys which are pressed accidentally or for a short time, 3) adjusts or disables the keyboard repeat rate, 4) ignores keys which are pressed too quickly or at the same time, 5) allows control of the mouse cursor using the keyboard, 6) provides audio queues when toggle keys are turned on or off, 7) allows control of the computer using an alternate input device, 8) provides a visual cue when sounds are generated, and 8) turns off the Access features when they're not being used. These features can be used separately or in combination, and can be customized to suit the user's preference. They are all designed so that an individual who requires a feature can turn it on without assistance, as long as the Access Pack is installed. When all features are disabled, individuals who do not need them should not notice that the Access Pack is installed. Therefore, a computer on which Access Pack is installed can be used both by individuals who require it and those who do not.
Disk 55 Personal-E Mailbox Personal-E Mailbox is software that implements a modem-based electronic mail system in the background while running standard DOS or Windows applications in the foreground. It also has a "chat" mode in which two users can have an "on-line" split screen "electronic conversation".
Legend: PC - This software only runs on IBM personal computers and compatibles. TXT - This is an ASCII text file, available in both PC and Macintosh formats. SIG - These files are for the exclusive use of SIG 11 members and may not be disseminated to individuals or organizations outside of RESNA.
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