Here is the revised Wide World Web Sites for AT Providers and Practitioners compiled August 15, 1997. Please send corrections and additions to me. Thanks! Janice Hunt Herman, MS, PT NeuroBiology Institute 11999 North 114 Way Scottsdale, AZ 85259 602/657-8677 602/657-8678 fax Bloorview Macmillan Center Description: Provides direct client services, research, and product development in Toronto, Canada Colorado State University Description: AT Resource Center is part of the Occupational Therapy department at Colorado State University; provides direct client services; Web pages are being updated Summer 1997. Crotched Mountiain Foundation Description: Education, rehabilitation, housing and managed care for physically and developmentally challenged children, adolescents, and adults. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Description: Assistive Device Service provides AAC, Computer Access, Environmental Control, and specialty controls of powered mobility for Canadian children and adults in Northern Alberta and the North West Territories. Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Description: Rehabilitation Engineering Center provides direct client services, research, and product development; part of the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Ontario Rehabilitation Communications Network Description: Part of the Information Systems at Health Sciences Dept, Elborn College at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada Shepherd Spinal Center Description: Provides direct client services; Part of therapy department at Shepherd Medical Center in Atlanta, GA; specializes in Spinal Cord Injury; Web site also contains a list of related sites. Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children Description: Provides direct client services; Tertiary rehab centre for children in Vancouver, BC, Canada University Hospital School (AAC) (Computer Access) (Seating) (Teen workshop) (I&R) (Iowa Program for AT) Iowa's University Affiliated Program; also affiliated with the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Web site includes pages for Augmented/alternative communication; Computer access for people with disabilities; Postural support, wheelchair seating systems, & AT; Close Encounters, a 2-week long summer workshop on the UI campus for teenagers with physical disabilities; IOWA COMPASS is an information and referral service that primarily serves Iowans; COMPASS can be reached by a toll-free phone number, and has information on literally thousands of local, state, and national services; and Iowa Program for AT (IPAT) University Of Virginia Description: Rehabilitation Engineering Center at the Health Sciences Center at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA Wright State University Description: Rehabilitation Engineering Training site in the Department of Biomedical & Human Factors Engineering, College of Engineering & Computer Science at Wright State University, Dayton, OH Zerrecon, Inc. Description: Provides direct rehabilitation engineering and AAC services to clients. Also provides product development services.
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