RESNA Leaders Honored at
Toronto Conference
Ray Grott
RESNA recently held a successful conference
in Toronto. Participants were able to take part in numerous workshops,
scientific presentations, plenary sessions, exhibitor displays, visits to local
research labs, and other gatherings. As always, the conference provided
opportunities to lean, explore, earn CEUs, make new friends, and network with
For RESNA members, an important part of the
conference was the annual presentation of awards to people who have made
significant contributions to the organization and the field. By doing so, we
honor our current, past, and future leaders. We are pleased to present this
list of this year's awardees accompanied by short statements detailing their
RESNA Fellow
The highest honor that
RESNA bestows, this award recognizes members who have made long term and
substantial contributions to the fields of rehabilitation engineering or
assistive technology as well as significant contributions to RESNA.
Cathy Bodine, PhD, CCC-SLP - for her many efforts
in the field of Rehabilitation Technology, and her commitment and significant
contributions to RESNA
As a RESNA member over the past 13 years, Cathy
Bodine has served as Chair of two SIGs, and served on the Board of Directors
for 5 years, including a stint as Secretary on the Executive Committee. She has
planned RESNA educational offerings, reviewed numerous RESNA publications, and
developed a Board Orientation document to be used with incoming Board
Cathy is an Associate Professor and Executive Director of
Assistive Technology Partners at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical
Campus. Nationally and internationally, she serves on a number of advisory
boards of organizations dealing with applications of technology for people with
disabilities, particularly those with cognitive and intellectual disabilities.
She is recognized as a leader in this area, and is currently in the second five
years of leading the Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Center (RERC) on
Advanced Cognitive Technologies.
Cathy has been and continues to be an
incredibly productive leader and innovator in support of research, advocacy,
and clinical efforts to enhance the lives of people with disabilities through
technology. All of her working life has been and continues to be devoted to
helping individuals with disabilities seek their highest level of independence
at home, school, work and play through the addition of assistive technology.
"Cathy is determined to ensure that all individuals are able to access the
assistive technology they need." "She is very effective at bringing together
stakeholders from the broad variety of disciplines and venues that make up the
field of AT, and facilitating their competent and productive collaboration for
advancing the field."
Ray Grott, MA, ATP, RET - for his
many accomplishments in the fields of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive
Technology, and his generosity of contributions to RESNA and its
Ray Grott joined RESNA in 1992. He has served on numerous RESNA
committees, including as Chair of the Membership committee and the Meetings
Committee - in which capacity he took major responsibility for organizing two
annual conferences. Most recently, he is serving as Secretary of the Board of
Directors. Ray has a long history as a presenter of instructional courses and
workshops (sometimes with his alter-ego, "ErgoMan"). He can always be counted
on to share his latest custom designs and is widely known for his frequent
postings to the RESNA technology listserve. His contributions to RESNA and his
support of others in the field earned him RESNA's Distinguished Service and
Mentor awards.
Ray is the Director of the Rehabilitation Engineering and
Assistive Technology (RET) Project at San Francisco State University, through
which he provides direct AT services to hundreds of people throughout the
region. He also teaches, participates in research, reviews and edits articles
and proposals, evaluates new products, supports disability rights issues, and
volunteers on committees such as the Assistive Technology Advisory Committee
for his state's Department of Rehabilitation.
"Ray's insight and
critical thinking skills, not to mention his willingness to 'speak up', have
served RESNA extremely well. He can always be counted on to be very thoughtful
and objective in his contributions to the business of running the
organization." "The AT field is lucky to have him. Ray naturally rises to the
top of a group or organization because of his competence, dedication,
integrity, intelligence, broad experience, and astonishing work
Anita Perr, MA OT, ATP - for her many efforts in
the field of Rehabilitation Technology, and her commitment and significant
contributions to RESNA
Anita Perr has dedicated more than 19 years of
service to RESNA, serving in multiple leadership roles including the Board of
Directors, Chair of the Professional Standards Board, and long-time contributor
on the ANSI/RESNA Standards Committees for Wheelchair and Seating and for
Postural Support Devices. She has also served as a reviewer for the RESNA
scientific program competitions and as a judge for Sore Butts Design
Competitions, among other contributions.
"Anita's greatest asset is her
sensitivity to the people in the environment around her and their needs." "She
has been extraordinary at building relationships across multiple disciplines
that have come to make up the RESNA membership." "Careful and critical thought,
compassion, and the desire to make a difference are evident in each and every
encounter with Anita. No hidden agendas, no desire to one up, or take credit,
just the desire to make things better, in line with the mission of
Paul Schwartz, MISE, ATP, RET - for his many
efforts in the field of Rehabilitation Technology, and his commitment and
significant contributions to RESNA
Paul Schwartz has been a member of
RESNA since 1991. From early on, Paul joined in organizational activities,
eventually chairing the Job Accommodations SIG and presenting instructional
courses and workshops. He also helped develop and promote the ATP and RET
Certifications and later joined the Professional Standards Board, serving as
its Vice President. Paul is currently serving his second term on the RESNA
Board and is concurrently a member of the Finance Committee. Paul's interest in
fostering the professional growth and development of others led to his being
honored with the RESNA Mentor Award in 2003.
Outside of RESNA, Paul is
the Assistive Technology Manager of the Stout Vocational Rehabilitation
Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Stout in Menomonie, where he has been
instrumental in developing that program into a major provider of AT services
across the state. He has participated in and helped lead the JETS/NISH National
Engineering Design Challenge, focusing on the high school competition and
participating in judging the contest for a number of years.
"Paul is a
role model to all who know him. He has a positive perspective on life that
carries over into everything he does." "Paul makes one want to come to the
annual conference to rub shoulders with him, makes one want to be part of an
organization that includes him, and makes one want to join with him in sharing
the load; contributing and pushing RESNA and the field forward. It is Paul and
people like him who have made RESNA the respected and positive force in the
field that it is today." |
Sam McFarland Memorial
Mentor Award
Recognizes members who
have influenced, counseled, and nurtured others in the fields of rehabilitation
engineering or assistive technology
Marcia J. Scherer, PhD, MPH - for her generous
efforts in mentoring students, colleagues, and friends
Marcia Scherer
offers a marvelous mix of scholarship, publication, mentorship, advising, and
friendship that has touched many AT professionals, as well as immeasurable
numbers of persons with disabilities through her life's work. With a warm,
willing smile and a quick mind, Dr. Scherer has helped students at all levels
of education and in many fields affiliated with rehabilitation. She has, for
example, chaired and participated on thesis and dissertation committees, has
helped with the development grant awards as well as served on grant review
panels, participates as an advisory board member for a large NSF grant,
publishes her theoretical models as guides for clinicians working with persons
with disabilities, and has influenced policy in our field.
work with individuals with disabilities brought into focus the need for
professionals to listen, understand and work with the individual in the pursuit
of the most optimal, practical and usable assistive technologies. She was at
the forefront of this paradigm shift from 'doing to' to 'doing with' and this
alone makes her stand apart as a leader and innovator." |
Distinguished Service
Recognizes members for
their sustained contributions and service to RESNA or the fields of
rehabilitation or assistive technology
Denis Anson, MS, OTR/L - for his efforts and
contributions in RESNAs Computer Tech Lab since 1990
Distinguished Service Award was presented to Denis for his 20 years of efforts
and contributions with the Computer Tech Lab at the annual conferences. In this
role, he serves as resource for presenters, RESNA members, and conference
attendees answering their questions about computer access, showing different
types of technologies, and helping with hands-on experiences. "Denis is
always in the Lab, is always cheerfully available to help with
questions, and always solves the problem."
Lawrence W. Schneider, PhD - for his efforts and
contributions in setting wheelchair transportation safety standards
Distinguished Service Award was presented to Lawrence for his efforts and
contributions in setting wheelchair transportation safety standards. These have
included more than 10 years of work on research and development projects,
preparation of conference presentations, two state-of-the science conferences,
development of position papers, and other efforts to support and promote
voluntary industry standards and facilitate the development of a body of
knowledge focused on wheelchair transportation safety. "Due to his passion for
equivalent protection for wheelchair-seated passengers and their right to
expect safety, usability and independence, his work will forever change the way
the entire wheeled mobility industry thinks about wheelchairs and
Linda Szczepanski, CMP - for her
efforts and contributions as RESNAs Volunteer Coordinator since
The Distinguished Service Award was presented to Linda for her 14
years of contributions as Volunteer Coordinator at the annual RESNA
conferences, where she has coordinated hundreds of volunteers to assist with
onsite conference operations. She has always been highly organized in her
efforts and works to build a sense of camaraderie among the volunteers.
"Although her duties have always put her behind the scenes and out of the
limelight, it is now time to recognize the entirety of her efforts and
contributions." |
Recognizes new members
who have made significant contributions, provided leadership, and made an
impact to RESNA
Jennifer N. Boger, MASc(Eng) - for her
outstanding contributions and commitment as a new member of RESNA
has been very involved in RESNA in the short time that she has been a member.
Early on, she volunteered for the role of co-chair of the Cognitive
Disabilities SIG. She also became very active on the website committee,
eventually taking over as its chair. In this role, she has been instrumental in
developing a new website that the organization is very proud of. Most recently,
Jen has been elected to the Board of Directors, "where we know she will
continue to excel and become one of the future leaders of RESNA."
Michael Boyce, BS - for his outstanding
contributions as a new member of RESNA
As a new member, Michael
volunteered to be the vice chair of the Communication Technologies and Computer
Access SIG. He then began sending out regular informational emails to the SIG
members and an occasional newsletter. On his own initiative, he organized a
meeting for RESNA members at ATIA. When the SIG chair was in the hospital for
several weeks, Michael temporarily took over his duties and laid the groundwork
for activities at the upcoming conference. He also submitted papers for the
last two conferences. "Michael is a well-rounded young researcher who will
contribute to RESNA and assistive technology for years to come."
Certificate of
Recognizes RESNA
members or non-members for a special one-time activity benefiting either RESNA
or the fields of rehabilitation or assistive technology
Michael A. Babinec, BS, OTR/L,
ABDA, ATP - for his efforts and contributions as Member of the Board of
Directors |
Elizabeth Cole, BA, MSPT -
for her efforts and contributions as Member of the Board of Directors
Kay Ellen Koch, OTR/L, ATP
- for her efforts and contributions as Member of the Board of Directors
Linda Elsaesser, PT, ATP -
for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Education
Committee |
Jamie Arasz Prioli, ATP -
for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the SIG Committee
Jennifer N. Boger,
MASc(Eng) - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Cognition and
Sensory Loss SIG |
Lauren Rosen, PT, MPT, MSMS,
ATP - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Wheeled Mobility
and Seating SIG |
Lori Nicolini, PT, ATP -
for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Physical Therapists
Sue Redepenning, OTR/L,
CDRS - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Occupational
Therapists PSG |
Frank D. Puckett, PhD, CRC,
ATP - for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the Educators
Denise Axelson - for her
efforts and contributions as Secretary of the Assistive Technology Standards
Board for 13 years |
Presentation - 1.85 Mb pdf file Special thanks
to the Awards Committee:
- Caren Sax, Chair
- Al Cook
- Dave Jaffe
- Heidi Koester
- Jim Lenker
RESNA Awards by
Awards Homepage |