2010 RESNA Awards
Certificate of
Recognizes a RESNA
member or non-member for a special one-time activity benefiting either RESNA or
the fields of rehabilitation or assistive technology
Anita Perr, MA, OT, ATP -
for her efforts and contributions as Member of the Board of
Directors |
Paul J. Schwartz, MSIE, ATP,
RET - for his efforts and contributions as Member of the Board of
Directors |
Greg McGrew, BSME, MEBME -
for his efforts and contributions as RESNA President |
Dianne Goodwin, MEBME, ATP
- for her efforts and contributions as Secretary of the Board of
Directors |
Peter Axelson, MSME, ATP,
RET - for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the Assistive
Technology Standards Board |
Ray Grott, MA, ATP, RET -
for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the Membership
Committee |
Jerry Weisman, MSME, ATP,
RET - for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the Bylaws Committee
and Long-Range Planning Committee |
Katherine D. Seelman, PhD
- for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Government Affairs
Committee |
Glenn Hedman, PE, CPE, ATP,
RET - for his efforts and contributions as Immediate Past President and
Chair of the Nominating Committee and Ethics Committee |
Sue Redpenning, OTR/L,
CDRS - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Occupational
Therapy Professional Specialty Group |
Patti Bahr, MSE, ATP, RET
- for her efforts and contributions as a Chair of the Rehab Engineers
Professional Specialty Group |
Alan Cantor, MA - for his
efforts and contributions as Chair of the Special Interest Group
Committee |
Katya Hill, PhD, CCC-SLP -
for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Augmentative &
Alternative Communication Special Interest Group |
Edmund F. LoPresti, PhD -
for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the Technology Transfer Special
Interest Group |
John Brabyn, PhD - for his
efforts and contributions as Chair of the Sensory Loss & Technology Special
Interest Group |
Lauren Rosen, PT, MPT, ATP
- for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Seating and Mobility
Special Interest Group |
Jamie Arasz Prioli, BSc,
ATP - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Computer
Applications Special Interest Group |
Therese Willkomm, PhD, ATP
- for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Rural Rehabilitation
Special Interest Group |
Linda van Roosmalen, PhD,
ISDA - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Universal Access
Special Interest Group |
Tony Gentry, PhD, OTR/L -
for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the Cognitive Disabilities &
Technology Special Interest Group |
Ashli M. Molinero, DSc -
for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Telerehabilitation Special
Interest Group |
Katya Hill, PhD, CCC-SLP -
for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the SIG Reorganization
Committee |
Alex Mihailidis, PhD, PEng
- for his efforts and contributions as the Original Organizer of the SIG
Reorganization Committee |
Jennifer Boger, MASc - for
her efforts and contributions as a Member of the SIG Reorganization
Committee |
Ashli M. Molinero, DSc -
for her efforts and contributions as a Member of the SIG Reorganization
Committee |
Jamie Arasz Prioli, BSc,
ATP - for her efforts and contributions as a Member of the SIG
Reorganization Committee |
Lauren Rosen, PT, MPT, ATP
- for her efforts and contributions as a Member of the SIG Reorganization
Committee |
Aaron Steinfeld, PhD - for
his efforts and contributions as a Member of the SIG Reorganization
Committee |
Linda van Roosmalen, PhD,
ISDA - for her efforts and contributions as a Member of the SIG
Reorganization Committee |
Stephen M. Bauer, PhD -
for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Jennifer Boger, MASc - for
her efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Linda-Jeanne Elsaesser, PT,
ATP - for her efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Peter Axelson, MSME, ATP,
RET - for his efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Seanna Kringen - for her
efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign Committee
Christine Appert, EdD, ATP
- for her efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Greg McGrew, BSME, MEBME -
for his efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Ray Grott, MA, ATP, RET -
for his efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Jerry Weisman, MSME, ATP,
RET - for his efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Mary Ellen Buning, PhD, OTR/L,
ATP - for her efforts and contributions as a Member of the Website Redesign
Committee |
Distinguished Service
Recognizes RESNA
members for their sustained contributions and service to the
Laura J. Cohen, PT, PhD,
ATP - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Professional
Standards Board |
Gerald Dickerson, CRTS,
ATS - for his efforts and contributions as First Vice Chair of the
Executive Committee on the Professional Standards Board |
Daniel P. Knowland III,
OTR/L - for his efforts and contributions to Define Competencies in
Assistive Technology |
Brenda A. Sposato,
MEBME, ATP - for her efforts and contributions as a Member of the Awards
Committee |
Recognizes an agency,
company, association, or university for their significant contributions to the
advancement of the fields of assistive technology or rehabilitation engineering
and who have provided recognition and support for RESNA.
Whirlwind Wheelchair
International (Marc Krizack, Executive Director) - for its efforts and
significant contributions over 30 years in Designing and Producing Appropriate,
Low-Cost and Highly Functional Wheelchairs in Developing Countries
RESNA Fellow
Recognizes a member who
has made long term and substantial contributions to the fields of
rehabilitation or assistive technology as well as significant contributions to
Kevin M. Caves, BSME, ATP
- for his many efforts and significant contributions to RESNA including serving
two terms as Meetings Committee Chair and as a Rehab Engineer in the areas of
Research, Training, and Service Delivery |
Laura J. Cohen, PT, PhD,
ATP - for her many significant efforts and contributions to RESNA including
Credentialing and to the Field of Assistive Technology through her Funding and
Policy Advocacy Activities |
Gregory W. McGrew, BSME,
MEBME - for his efforts and contributions to RESNA in many capacities
including President and as a Rehab Engineer developing and providing Assistive
Technology Clinical Services |
RESNA Awards by
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