Portable Low Vision Device Makes Life Easier From: MedPage Today - 10/18/2016 By: Wayne Kuznar Low vision patients gain independence A simple-to-use portable artificial vision device (OrCam My Eye) may improve functionality and independence in patients with low vision. Performance on tests related to function and independence, including recognizing money, reading e-mails on an electronic device, and reading a menu, improved shortly after use of the low vision aid. The OrCam device is a commercially available optical character recognition device that is capable of recognizing print, monetary denominations faces and other objects taught to it. It is programmed to recognize faces and products, and is designed to be compatible with natural light. The device consists of a miniature camera and a bone conduction earpiece that clip to the frame of glasses. "It is very lightweight, doesn't have a battery in it, it doesn't tip the glasses or change the way the user looks. It is activated by the user pointing, pressing a trigger button, or tapping the device. Read the entire article at: http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/AAO/60851 Links: OrCam My Eye http://www.orcam.com My Eye http://www.orcam.com/myeye Wearable artificial vision device shows promise in helping people who are legally blind 'read' https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/10/161017140548.htm http://www.ktiv.com/story/33408867/wearable-artificial-vision-device-shows-promise-in-helping-people-who-are-legally-blind-read https://www.mdtmag.com/news/2016/10/wearable-artificial-vision-device-shows-promise-helping-people-who-are-legally-blind-read https://www.wirelessdesignmag.com/news/2016/10/wearable-artificial-vision-device-shows-promise-helping-people-who-are-legally-blind Evaluation of a Portable Artificial Vision Device among Patients with Low Vision http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaophthalmology/article-abstract/2520689 Submitted by Drew Nelson