Bionic Arms Get a Thought-Control Upgrade From: IEEE Spectrum - 09/22/2016 By: Megan Scudellari Jodie O'Connell-Ponkos used a prosthetic arm for five years, until the day she threw it across the room in frustration. Then, last year she tried a prosthetic arm enhanced with an new control system that can recognize subtle nerve signals, built by Chicago-based engineering company Coapt. Unlike the prosthesis she used as a teenager, the new arm allowed her to move more naturally, even gracefully. Today, the outgoing horse trainer wears the prosthesis constantly, relying on it for everything from chopping wood to putting her hair in a ponytail. Read the entire article at: Links: Coapt (with video 1:54) Upper limb prosthesis use and abandonment: A survey of the last 25 years Pediatric Unilateral Below-Elbow Amputees: Retrospective Analysis of 34 Patients Given Multiple Prosthetic Options How to do a one handed ponytail with a prosthetic device (video 1:08)