Technology Can Help Serve Needs of Aging Populations From: eWeek - 09/13/2016 By: Nathan Eddy IBM and CTA Foundation's Outthink Aging study identified three areas in which cognitive computing can apply to the aging population, such as knowledge as a service. A recent study by technology giant IBM and the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) Foundation, a public foundation that links seniors and people with disabilities with technologies to enhance their lives, shows that meeting the needs of a growing aging population will require new technologies, partnerships, ideas and business models. The Outthink Aging study identified three key areas where cognitive computing can apply to the aging population, including knowledge as a service (KaaS). Currently, non-profit groups including AARP and agencies connect with a range of partners such as banks to provide services including healthcare discounts, insurance plans, travel benefits, intellectual community involvement, and entertainment. Rather than those one-to-one relationships, the study concluded, in the future agencies and their partners will be able to tap into a central cognitive computing platform that combines consumer preferences, industry data, and public information that would enable them to provide new, specialized services to their members. Read the entire article at: Links: Consumer Technology Association Foundation Outthink Aging Outthink Aging study