Eye-Controlled Computer Operation From: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - 09/2006 Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering collaborated with industry partners to develop a system that enables a computer user to control a mouse through eye movements. The Eye-Controlled Interaction (EYCIN) system is designed to provide paraplegics with greater access to PCs, and enable maintenance technicians to click through menus while their hands remain free. A camera captures a user's pupil movements, which a software program then relays to the computer quickly enough so that the movements of the mouse pointer are fluid. The motion is fairly easy to calculate; the principal challenge is clicking the mouse. The researchers created sensitive areas on the display that users can activate by fixing their gaze on them for a certain period of time. A button on the screen changes color twice before it clicks, indicating to the user whether the command has registered. The small jerks of eye motion, or microcascades, presented a major challenge to the researchers, requiring them to develop a filtering system to prevent them from being relayed to the computer so the mouse pointer would not flit erratically around the screen. Read the entire description at: http://www.fraunhofer.de/fhg/EN/press/pi/2006/09/ResearchNews92006Topic6.jsp Link: Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO in Stuttgart http://www.iao.fraunhofer.de/index_e.hbs