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Sam McFarland

We Shall Remember Sam

Austin Service by Jan Galvin's father Joel L. Aldridge

At the Memorial Service at the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Washington on Wednesday, his friends, colleagues, and hospital staff in turn stood to tell what Sam had meant to them. We were especially moved by the words of a solid, stolid man who, though he had not risen in recognition for Science yet was the one who, as guard, watched the doors as security, in simple words what he said excelled them all. "Sam greeted me each mornign with a smile. He called me by name. 'Good morning, George", he would say as he came through the doors. I will remember Sam."

Isaiah long ago spoke the word of the Lord saying, "I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by name. Thou art mine. When thou walkest through the waters, I will be with you and through the Flood it shall not overflow thee. When thou walkest through the fire thosu shall not be burned, neither shall the flames kindled upon thee for I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, the Saviour." (Isaiah 43:1-3b)

Memory is God's gift
To those who have loved and lost
Their loved ones for a season
Speaking for Family
We will miss Sam very much.
Yet memories' bright moments shine through our sorrow
How, as a teenaager, he drew chalk pictures illustrating
Birdlife in in Wington for the Wilshire children sermons.
I remember his early on appearing at our door
With a warm smile and a firm handshake
And time to visit with the parents of his date.
I remember the Spring he came calling, with Carolyn in tow,
With the grace of a cavalier
To ask for her hand in marriage.
Sam was for all occasions:
He sang for our wedding and our funerals
He kept our old ski boat runnign long past its mortality,
He did many things well.
Most of all he was a unique wonderful loving person,
He put others first: courtesy was his name,
Keen of mind, gentle of manner,
His words were chosen with care and skill:
His letters are beautiful to read and reread
Yes, we shall remember Sam,
His star, though brief, shone clear
And his legacy of Love endures
In his children,
In the hearts of our family
And his many friends,
We will remember Sam, our son-in-law.
