2013 RESNA Awards
Certificate of
Recognizes a RESNA
member or non-member for a special one-time activity benefiting either RESNA or
the fields of rehabilitation or assistive technology
Edwina Juillet - for her
efforts and contributions as Vice Chair of the RESNA Emergency Stair Travel
Device for Individuals with Disabilities (ESTD) Standards Committee
Michael Boyce, BS - for
his efforts and contributions as Secretary of the RESNA Emergency Stair Travel
Device for Individuals with Disabilities (ESTD) Standards Committee
Barbara Crane, PhD, PT,
ATP/SMS - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the RESNA
Wheelchair and Related Seating (WRS) Standards Committee |
Evan W. Call, MS, CSM-NRM
- for his efforts and contributions as Vice Chair of the RESNA Wheelchair and
Related Seating (WRS) Standards Committee |
Patricia Karg, MSBME - for
her efforts and contributions as Secretary of the RESNA Wheelchair and Related
Seating (WRS) Standards Committee |
Lawrence W. Schneider, PhD
- for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the RESNA Wheelchairs and
Transportation (WHAT) Standards Committee |
Gina E. Bertocci, PhD, PE
- for her efforts and contributions as Vice Chair of the RESNA Wheelchairs and
Transportation (WHAT) Standards Committee |
Miriam A. Manary, MSE -
for her efforts and contributions as Secretary of the RESNA Wheelchairs and
Transportation (WHAT) Standards Committee |
John N. McGovern, JD - for
his efforts and contributions as Chair of the RESNA Adapted Golf Cars (AGC)
Standards Committee |
Mitch Oliver - for his
efforts and contributions as Vice Chair of the RESNA Adapted Golf Cars (AGC)
Standards Committee |
Richard Thesing - for his
efforts and contributions as Secretary of the RESNA Adapted Golf Cars (AGC)
Standards Committee |
Edward Steinfeld, D. Arch,
AIA - for his efforts and contributions to the new RESNA logo design and
graphic identity |
Heamchand Subryan, M. Arch,
MFA - for his efforts and contributions to the new RESNA logo design and
graphic identity |
Gerry Dickerson, CRTS, ATP
- for his efforts and contributions as a member of the RESNA Board of
Directors |
R. Lee Kirby, MD, FRCPC -
for his efforts and contributions as a member of the RESNA Board of
Directors |
Mark Schmeler, PhD, OTR/L,
ATP - for his efforts and contributions as a member of the RESNA Board of
Directors |
Edward Steinfeld, D. Arch,
AIA - for his efforts and contributions as a member of the RESNA Board of
Directors |
Alan Cantor, MA - for his
efforts and contributions as SIG Committee Chair |
Denise Barton Schuler, MS,
ATP - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Cognition and
Sensory Loss SIG |
Celene Moorer, MS, AT -
for her efforts and contributions as Vice Chair of the Cognition and Sensory
Loss SIG |
Larry Rechlin, PT, DPT,
ATP - for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the Physical Therapists
Mary O'Connell, BSPT,
ATP/SMS - for her efforts and contributions as Vice Chair of the Physical
Therapists PSG |
Lynn Gitlow, PhD, OTR/L,
ATP - for her efforts and contributions as Chair of the Occupational
Therapists PSG |
Carmen DiGiovine, PhD,
ATP/SMS, RET - for his efforts and contributions as Chair of the PSB
Committee |
Stephen Sundarrao, MSME, ATP,
RET - for his efforts and contributions as member of the PSB
Committee |
Doug Gayton, ATP - for his
efforts and contributions as member of the PSB Committee |
Julie Piriano, PT, ATP/SMS
- for her efforts and contributions as 1st Vice Chair of the PSB
Committee |
Fred Tchang, BSE, ATP -
for his efforts and contributions as 1st Vice Chair of the PSB
Committee |
Recognizes a new member
who has made significant contributions, provided leadership, and made an impact
Nathan W. Moon, PhD - for
his efforts and leadership of the Government Affairs Committee |
Honorary Fellow
Recognizes a a
non-RESNA member who has promoted issues and demonstrated leadership highly
relevant to the fields of assistive technology or rehabilitation engineering
and who has encouraged the independence of individuals with disabilities
through legislation, policy, education, design / development, research, health
awareness, employment, recreation, publications, or financial
M. Nell Bailey, MA - for
her unflagging devotion, dedication, and commitment to the mission of RESNA for
23 years |
RESNA Fellow
Recognizes a member who
has made long term and substantial contributions to the fields of
rehabilitation or assistive technology as well as significant contributions to
Kay Ellen Koch, OTR/L, ATP
- for her many years of tireless advocacy, education, service provision, and
contributions to RESNA |
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