Voice Technology Education at Johns Hopkins Gets a Boost from Amazon From: ECN Magazine - 03/03/2017 At a time when more home, office and vehicle devices respond to vocal commands, Amazon has named the Johns Hopkins University among the first four schools to receive support from the Alexa Fund Fellowship, a new program designed to encourage advances in voice communication between people and machines. Amazon has entered this field with Alexa, a voice service that powers devices such as the Amazon Echo. Through its new Alexa Fund Fellowship program, introduced today, the company will aid university students who are focusing "on transformative voice technologies such as text-to-speech, natural language understanding, automatic speech recognition and conversational artificial intelligence," according to an online announcement by Douglas Booms, vice president of worldwide corporate development at Amazon. Read the entire article at: https://www.ecnmag.com/news/2017/03/voice-technology-education-johns-hopkins-gets-boost-amazon Links: Alexa Fund Fellowship https://developer.amazon.com/alexa-fund/alexa-fellowship Amazon creates Alexa Fund Fellowship to support voice technology education and research http://venturebeat.com/2017/03/02/amazon-creates-alexa-fund-fellowship-to-support-voice-technology-education-and-research