Uncanny Exosuit: The Industrial Exoskeleton Made for Real Work, Not Movies From: New Equipment Digest - 01/10/2017 Industrial exoskeletons fortify frail flesh and bone with steel frames and actuators, augmenting humans to the point where the advantages of a robotic workforce aren't so clear. And now there’s one that’s as affordable as it is easy to move in. Prof. Homayoon Kazerooni, a roboticist at the Berkeley Robotics and Human Engineering Laboratoryis, has worked on projects that lighten soldiers’ loads (by up to 75 lb.) with the DARPA-funded Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton (BLEEX) in 2000 and the recently launched Modular Agile eXoskeleton (MAX), an affordable, austere complement of three bionic pieces (legX, backX, and shoulderX) that individually reduce strain and tension at the knees, back and shoulders, where 90% of workplace injuries occur. It’s manufactured in the US by suitX, the latest company created by Kazerooni. "What inspires me the most is to see workers, nurses, fire fighter, solders, people with mobility disorders, the elderly. These people require bionic systems and exoskeletons." Read the entire article and view a video (1:13) at: http://www.newequipment.com/research-and-development/uncanny-exosuit-industrial-exoskeleton-made-real-work-not-movies Links: suitX http://www.suitx.com Suited for the Job: Sci-Fi Mech Tech Is Real & Ready for Action http://www.newequipment.com/technology-innovations/suited-job-sci-fi-mech-tech-real-ready-action Phoenix exoskeleton http://www.suitx.com/phoenix --- Workplace Exoskeleton for Repetitive Tasks From R&D Magazine - 12/2017 - page 30 MAX (Modular Agile eXoskeleton) is a workplace exoskeleton in three modules that allows workers to complete shoulder, lower back and leg-intensive tasks with reduced injury risk. MAX is designed to support workers during the repetitive tasks that most frequently cause injury. While many repetitive tasks today are performed by robots and machines, the MAX exoskeleton is designed for unstructured workplaces where no robot can work as efficiently as a human worker. This includes construction, airports, assembly lines, shipbuilding, warehouses, delivery services and factories. MAX is composed of three exoskeleton modules: backX, shoulderX and legX. These versatile modules support workers performing strenuous activities including lifting, stooping, bending and squatting, allowing workers to become more productive by reducing muscle strain by as much as 60 percent. The three modules—backX, shoulderX and legX—can be worn independently and in any combination. MAX is lightweight and comfortable and its adjustable size fits 95 percent of human dimensions. The modules intelligently engage when needed and does not impede the wearer otherwise. Wearers can perform normal activities—such as driving or climbing stairs—without having to take them off. MAX is also dust proof and waterproof. Source: http://digital.rdmag.com/researchanddevelopment/december_2017?pg=30#pg30 Link: Suitx http://www.suitx.com