TEDMed - Limitless Venue: Palm Springs, CA - 11/01-03/2017 The theme of this year's event is Limitless, which highlights how individuals' incremental achievements combine to create collaborative progress for humanity. One innovator's finish line is the next great inventor's starting block. One study's endpoint becomes the springboard for the next groundbreaking discovery. Once someone sets a new limit, someone else sets out to surpass it. This year's event will focus on that productive tension between “what is” and “what if,” the inspiration that continues to drive us further into what's possible. Together, we are limitless. Session 3: Common Ground Removing barriers that limit access & harm health Transcending limits and making good health available to all sometimes requires us to collaborate and forge common ground. Talks in this session feature topics where the traditional barriers to accessing care and achieving well-being are being lifted, such as new approaches to addressing opioid addiction, expanding social tools to enable technology access for all, providing medical care and guidance for transgender youth, understanding drug development and pricing, drones for good, getting menstruation on the public agenda, and music interpretation for the hearing impaired. --- Amber Galloway Gallego A passionate advocate for equal access, sign language interpreter Amber Galloway Gallego has created an immersive translation style that brings the emotional experience of music and performance to the Deaf community and beyond. Sign language music interpreter Amber Galloway Gallego demonstrates the emotional connection between lyrics and sounds with the flow of her hands. Responding to a desire from the Deaf community to see, experience and connect emotionally to music in the same way hearing people do, Amber developed an immersive style that brings music to life in a way not often seen in music interpreting. Described as "the most recognizable sign language interpreter" in the United States, Amber and her team delve deeply into the nuances and multiple layers of every genre of music to provide a fully accessible performance experience for the audience. Amber and her team have performed for artists such as A$AP Rocky, Wiz Khalifa, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, among others. When she's not interpreting, Amber is an adjunct Professor of ASL studies at Lamar University in Texas. --- Matt King As Facebook's first blind accessibility engineer, Matt King is developing all-inclusive technologies that break down barriers to social connectivity. As Facebook's first blind engineer, Matt King is shattering boundaries in software accessibility for people with disabilities. Born legally blind as a result of retinitis pigmentosa, Matt lost his remaining vision while at the University Of Notre Dame and had to learn to rely on screen reading software when using computers. Seeing the potential of such software but frustrated by its limitations, Matt began dedicating his free time to improving it. Previously at IBM and currently at Facebook, Matt is focused on inventing and developing the scaffolding needed to create accessible, equitable and enjoyable online experiences for people with disabilities. Matt is a three-time Paralympian, record-breaking tandem cyclist and the only blind championship medal holder in the field of US elite track cyclists. Links: Homepage http://tedmed.com Participant List http://tedmed.com/event/stageprogram?utm_source=TEDMED+Live+Participant+List