UNIST Engineers Robotic Device Helping Stroke Survivors Recover From: ECN Magazine - 06/12/2017 A recent study, affiliated with UNIST has introduced a new robotic tool for assessments of muscle overactivity and movement dysfunction in stroke survivors. Their robotic-assisted rehabilitation therapy, combined with standard rehabilitation, is expected to improve the mobility of patients surviving a stroke. The rehabilitation robotic system that quantitatively measures the 3 degree-of-freedom (DOF) impedance of human forearm and wrist in minutes. Read the entire article at: https://www.ecnmag.com/news/2017/06/unist-engineers-robotic-device-helping-stroke-survivors-recover https://www.mdtmag.com/news/2017/06/unist-engineers-robotic-device-helping-stroke-survivors-recover Links: Changes of Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Stiffness Matrix Post Stroke http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7932899 Robotic-Assisted Rehabilitation Therapy Designed to Aid Stroke Recovery http://www.rehabpub.com/2017/06/robotic-assisted-rehabilitation-therapy-designed-aid-stroke-recovery Related: Robotic techniques for upper limb evaluation and rehabilitation of stroke patients http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1506818 Not related: Opposites Don’t Attract When Learning to Use a Prosthesis https://www.mdtmag.com/news/2015/10/opposites-dont-attract-when-learning-use-prosthesis