Human-in-the-loop optimization of exoskeleton assistance during walking From: AAAS Science - 06/23/2017 Exoskeletons can be used to augment human abilities - for example, to lift very heavy loads or to provide greater endurance. For each user, though, a device will need to be adjusted for optimum effect, which can be time-consuming. This paper shows that the human can be included in the optimization process, with real-time adaptation of an ankle exoskeleton. By using indirect calorimetry to measure metabolic rates, the authors were able to adjust the torque provided by the device while users were walking, running, and carrying a load. Read the entire article at: Related: Robotic Exoskeleton Adapts While It’s Worn Iron Man takes his first steps - an exoskeleton that learns to walk [Steve Collins is transitioning to Stanford's Mechanical Engineering Department as an Associate Professor.]