AI Can Help Patients Recover Ability to Stand and Walk From: IEEE Spectrum - 07/19/2017 By: Charles Q. Choi Artificial intelligence software combined with a robotic harness could help spinal injury and stroke patients walk again. Clinical trials are underway. Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne developed a robotic harness that uses cables to control the amount of upward and forward force that patients feel while also permitting them to walk forwards, backwards, and side to side. This robotic harness was controlled by software that personalized the multidirectional forces that each patient experienced depending on their specific problems. Read the entire article and view a video (0:52) at: Links: Motekforce Link G-Therapeutics Related: Soft Robotic Exosuit Can Help Stroke Patients Paraplegic Patient Tests a Medical Exoskeleton Machine Restores Mobility to the Partially Paralyzed