First Came Smart Watches - Now Smart Clothing? From: Medical Design Technology - 07/20/2017 By: Lexi Metzler The next step in sensor technology is embedding the sensors into clothing—and that’s what BeBop Sensors, a flexible pressure sensor solutions company, has done. Specifically, BeBop integrates electrodes into fabric. The sensor can measure metrics such as weight/force, shape, location, and presence. One example of sensor’s integration is a helmet. Using their Force Location Sensor System, the sensors are able to record an entire incident from the head’s point of view while providing real-time feedback feed-back in real-time with a customizable set of commands. This is paired with a Bluetooth device for first responders and those studying post-trauma. The sensors can detect the impact location and velocity thresholds and trigger emergency calls. The helmet is designed with a lattice array of 40 sensors. Additional integrations include shoes, athletic equipment, healthcare devices, and prosthetics. Read the entire article at: Links: BeBop Sensors High Resolution Smart Helmet Sensor System Modular Data Glove Solutions For Virtual Reality