A Robot Physical Therapist Helps Kids with Cerebral Palsy From: MIT Technology Review - 02/16/2017 By: Will Knight A humanoid bot called Darwin shows how aspects of nursing and child care might be mechanized. Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology are using robots to help children and adults meet their physical therapy goals. And they've found that combining a simple game with words of encouragement and physical cues from the robots provides a noticeable boost to patients' efforts, compared to asking them to go through the work on their own. In the experiments, the researchers used a 3-D motion tracker to monitor a subject's movements, with Darwin offering encouragement for the correct motions, or demonstrating if a person did them incorrectly. In all but one case, they found that using the robot helped increase physical activity significantly. Read the entire article at: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603614/a-robot-physical-therapist-helps-kids-with-cerebral-palsy Links: Ayanna Howard http://humanslab.ece.gatech.edu/people Human-Automation Systems (HumAnS) Lab http://humanslab.ece.gatech.edu Related: Meet Kuri, Another Friendly Robot for Your Home https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603303/meet-kuri-another-friendly-robot-for-your-home