People First Language and More From: Disability is Natural! By: Kathie Snow Do the words used to describe you have an impact on your life? You bet! Contrary to the age-old "sticks and stones" lesson we learned as children, words do matter! For too long, people who happen to have conditions we call "disabilities" have been subjected to devaluation, marginalization, prejudice, and more. And the first way to devalue someone is through language, by using words or labels to identify a person/group as "less-than," as "the other," "not like us," and so forth. Once a person/group has been identified this way, it makes it easier to justify prejudice and discrimination. Our language shapes our attitudes; our attitudes shape our language; they're intertwined. And our attitudes and language drive our actions! Read the entire article at: Links: Disability Is Natural Online Store People First Language Presentations by Kathie Snow People First Language Articles People First Language article in The Special Edge - pages 11 - 14