Mind-Reading Computer Moves Closer to Reality From: Network World - 07/19/2017 By: Patrick Nelson A brain-to-machine telepathic-like interface is becoming more likely following successful machine learning applied to fMRI scans Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have developed Deep Generative Multiview Model (DGMM), a mind-reading program that deciphers symbols that people have viewed. The software scans a person's brain activity and then redraws the numerals and symbols previously seen by the subject. The program uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) imaging to analyze the visual cortex and capture brain activity data. The researchers then run an algorithm on the data, which interprets the signals and maps them, thus recreating the image. "Now, eerily sophisticated software is starting to decode that brain activity and assign meaning to it; fMRI is also becoming a window on the mind," the CAS researchers say. Although other techniques have been used to achieve the same feat, the CAS researchers claim their method is the most accurate. The researchers say their technology eventually could be used to record and re-watch dreams. Read the entire article at: http://www.networkworld.com/article/3209039/software/mind-reading-computer-moves-closer-to-reality.html Link: Telepathic Computer Reads Your Mind to See What You See http://english.cas.cn/newsroom/research_news/201705/t20170511_176994.shtml