Mind Reader: A Consumer EEG Device Serves Up Rich New Troves of Scientific Data From: Medical Design Technology - 01/31/2017 A team of McMaster and industry researchers is using data collected by a wireless brain-sensing headband called Muse to shed new light on what happens to our thinking processes as we age, for example, or how women and men process thoughts differently. Their work is published in the journal eNeuro. The device, developed by Toronto's InteraXon, is fitted with four electrodes. It registers and transmits the strength and amplitude of brain waves that reveal, for example, whether thinking is scattered or focused. Muse shows users real-time information about their brain signals on their tablets or smartphones, creating a real-time feedback loop that they use to train themselves to reach a state of mindfulness and focus. Read the entire article at: https://www.mdtmag.com/news/2017/01/mind-reader-consumer-eeg-device-serves-rich-new-troves-scientific-data Links: Muse, the brain sensing headband http://www.choosemuse.com Characterizing Population EEG Dynamics throughout Adulthood http://eneuro.org/content/3/6/ENEURO.0275-16.2016