Help Malia Communicate From: Maker Share Mission - 07/11/2017 "One of the best qualities of the maker movement is how makers band together to create customized solutions that are as unique as the people they help. For example, Malia is an 11-year-old with cerebral palsy. She is all smiles, very bright, and understands everything people say to her, but her speech is unclear to most people outside her family. To help, we’ve launched a mission on our new Maker Share community platform asking for inventions that can translate her speech." Read the entire mission and view a video (0:32) at: Related: 14 Year Old Builds Communication Device for Brain-Injured Friend (with video 8:22) Making VR Accessible for People with Physical Disabilities (with videos 4:18, 5:00) Compassionate Projects Keep the Focus on People, Not Exposure (with videos 3:23, 15:07) at: