Humans, Cover Your Mouths: Lip Reading Bots in the Wild From: ZDNet - 08/30/2017 By: Robin Harris There are many uses for machine lip reading, from transcription in noisy contexts to resolving multi-speaker concurrent speech and improving automated speech recognition. Researchers at Oxford University in the UK and Google have developed an algorithm that has outperformed professional human lip readers, a breakthrough they say could lead to surveillance video systems that can show the content of speech in addition to the actions of an individual. The researchers developed the algorithm by training Google's Deep Mind neural network on thousands of hours of subtitled BBC TV videos, showing a wide range of people speaking in a variety of poses, activities, and lighting. The neural network, dubbed Watch, Listen, Attend, and Spell (WLAS), learned to transcribe videos of mouth motion to characters, using more than 100,000 sentences from the videos. By translating mouth movements into individual characters, WLAS was able to spell out words. The Oxford researchers found a professional lip reader could correctly decipher less than 25 percent of the spoken words, while the neural network was able to decipher 50 percent of the spoken words. Read the entire article at: Links: Lip Reading Sentences in the Wild Google's AI can now lip read better than humans after watching thousands of hours of TV