Jake Olson got into the game for USC thanks to a major assist from WMU SB Nation - 09/04/2017 USC long snapper Jake Olson, who’s legally blind, got into the No. 4 Trojans' game against Western Michigan. With the Trojans up in the fourth quarter, Olson launched a clean snap to set up an extra point. Olson was emotionally moved, and so was anyone who watched. The entire thing was awesome, all the way around. Read the entire article at: https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2017/9/3/16250250/jake-olson-usc-snap-wmu Links: Saturday's best moments were led by USC’s Jake Olson, blind long snapper (with video 5:52) https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2017/9/3/16248826/jake-olson-usc-blind-long-snapper-game-play How Jake Olson of USC became the most famous long snapper in college football https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/how-jake-olson-of-usc-became-the-most-famous-long-snapper-in-college-football/2017/09/05/900672f0-923a-11e7-8754-d478688d23b4_story.html