Smart Mat Detects Early Warning Signs of Foot Ulcers From: R&D Magazine - 08/17/2017 Jon Bloom's startup, Podimetrics, has developed a smart mat that can detect early warning signs before foot ulcers form, which may drastically reduce amputations and cut medical costs. The smart mat is equipped with sensors that detect minute spikes in temperature around the foot, which precede the formation of ulcers. A patient stands on the mat for about 20 seconds per day, and the measurements are sent to the cloud. If an ulcer is suspected, the startup shoots an alert to the patient's physician, who can help the patient start a treatment plan. Read he entire article at: Links: Podimetrics Podimetrics System Helps Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Interview Podimetrics Releases Mat to Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcers 'Smart Mat' Predicts 97% of Recurrent Diabetic Foot Ulcers Feasibility and Efficacy of a Smart Mat Technology to Predict Development of Diabetic Plantar Ulcers