ClinicAll Eye Tracking From: Medical Design Technology - 01/04/2017 Many people depend on modern communication aids when interacting with computers. Devices with such input aids are often indispensable as they are the only way for some patients to participate in the modern media world or to communicate with others. ClinicAll now also provides bedside terminals with eye tracking for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, myasthenia, spastic, ALS, or other neuromuscular illnesses that strongly affect their ability to move. A module with a special camera registers and analyzes the patient's eye movement - special software on the terminal converts this into control commandos for the cursor without time lag. Depending on the chosen configuration, a mouse click can be triggered by blinking or by staring at the button (auto click). A screen keyboard or special communication software enables the patient to create texts or activate voice output in order for the patient to be understood by other people. Thanks to the Windows operating system, the ClinicAll bedside terminals can easily be equipped with any such well-established software. Read the entire article at: Link: