Robotic exoskeletons: The key to human superpowers From: Embedded Computing Design - 11/03/2017 By: Rudy Ramos How we could use robotic exoskeletons Another life-changing use case would be to use a robotic exoskeleton to enable an injured or paralyzed person to regain some degree of movement. Using intelligent control systems, the exoskeleton could learn how to autonomously perform certain actions from the human operator. Even walking and running could be partially autonomous, meaning the human needn’t control specific low-level movements. Researchers are also examining how we could use brainwaves to control robotic movements. Combine this with deep learning algorithms and autonomous control, and you could create extremely high levels of brain-powered operator control. Granted, we're not there yet, but this exciting possibility showcases just how transformational robotic exoskeletons could be to humanity. Read the entire article at: