Prototype Ear Plug Sensor Could Improve Monitoring of Vital Signs From: R&D Magazine - 11/16/2017 Scientists have developed a sensor that fits in the ear, with the aim of monitoring the heart, brain and lungs functions for health and fitness. The device detected heart pulse by sensing the dilation and constriction of tiny blood vessels in the ear canal, using the ‘mechanical’ part of the electro-mechanical sensor. The electrode part of the sensor is used to detect a full and clinically valid electrocardiogram, which records the electrical activity of the heart. The technology is still in its early development, but the researchers say the device also has other potential applications such as in sleep science and monitoring fatigue, epilepsy, drug delivery, and person authentication. Read the entire article at: Links: Hearables: feasibility of recording cardiac rhythms from head and in-ear locations Danilo Mandic