The Cautionary Tale of "No More Woof," a Crowdfunded Gadget to Read Your Dog's Thoughts From: IEEE Spectrum - 01/19/2017 People talk to their pets all the time. But wouldn't it be great if their pets talked back? That was the pitch in the "No More Woof" crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. It promised backers a wearable gadget with built-in EEG that would monitor a dog's brainwaves, figure out its mental state, and translate its sentiments into human language. But the pitch was the easy part: The campaigners took backers' money and enjoyed the media attention, then went silent. The case says a lot about the current state of consumer neurotech, where the ideas are audacious, exciting—and often totally infeasible. Read the entire article at: Links: No More Woof Talking Dog Device Ready to Hit Market Soon No More Woof