A Software Shrink: Apps and Wearables Could Usher in an Era of Digital Psychiatry From: IEEE Spectrum - 06/27/2017 By: John Torous Data is about to revolutionize the treatment of depression, schizophrenia, and many other disorders Over the years there have been claims that mental health patients wouldn’t want to use technology to treat their conditions, unlike, say, those with asthma or heart disease. Some have also insisted that to be effective, all assessment and treatment must be done face to face, and that technology might frighten patients or worsen their paranoia. However, studies show that psychiatric patients, even those with severe illnesses like schizophrenia, can successfully manage their conditions with smartphones, computers, and wearable sensors. And these tools are just the beginning. Within a few years, a new generation of technologies promises to revolutionize the practice of psychiatry. Read the entire article at: http://spectrum.ieee.org/consumer-electronics/portable-devices/a-software-shrink-apps-and-wearables-could-usher-in-an-era-of-digital-psychiatry