App that tracks bipolar manic, depressive episodes From: UIC News Center - 05/16/2017 By: Sharon Parmet Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) led the development of BiAffect, an application for unobtrusively tracking mobile device usage to anticipate manic and depressive episodes in people with bipolar disorder. BiAffect won the Mood Challenge for ResearchKit competition, which tasked participants to find new ways to study mood disorders using Apple's open source ResearchKit iOS platform. BiAffect analyzes keyboard dynamics such as typing speed to predict bipolar manic and depressive episodes, and the $200,000 prize the UIC researchers won will be used to refine and launch the app in the App Store. "People in the midst of a manic episode commonly have reduced impulse control, so it is not surprising that our pilot data supported that they tend to blow through the spell-check alerts," says UIC professor Alex Leow. She notes BiAffect is designed "to serve as a kind of 'fitness tracker' for the brain," and help researchers assess the effectiveness of mood-disorder treatments. Read the entire article at: Links: BiAffect mHealth Apps for Mood Measurement are Part of Growing Market Related: Aware Study