Study Shows Need for Adaptive Powered Knee Prosthesis to Assist Amputees From: Medical Design Technology - 11/07/2017 New North Carolina State University research into wearable robotics shows how amputees wearing these devices adapted when presented with a real-world challenge: carrying a weighted backpack. The results could assist device manufacturers and clinicians expand the utility of these important devices, and could help researchers develop smarter controllers that adapt to real-world demands. Andrea Brandt, a PhD student in the NC State and University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, wanted to chart a new course of study on powered devices used to help lower-limb amputees walk. While multiple studies on the efficacy of these devices on level ground have been published, there is a paucity of work that tests these devices in more challenging real-world situations, like bearing additional weight when people carry a load - groceries or a backpack, for example. Read the entire article at: Related: Software Adjusts Bionic Legs While Walking Are Prosthetic Interventions For Transtibial Amputees Cost Effective? "Synthetic Skin" Could Lead to Advanced Prosthetic Limbs Capable of Returning Sense of Touch to Amputees Click-On Arm Prosthesis Controlled by Patient's Thoughts