Perkins School wants to ensure blind and low-vision people don't miss the bus From: Evaluation Engineering - 04/18/2016 By: Rick Nelson The Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, MA, has received a $750,000 grant from to help make sure blind and low-vision people don't miss the bus, according to Kristin Toussaint at She quotes Joann Becker, a technology specialist at the Perkins accessibility and training division, as saying, "GPS on my smartphone gives me approximate information of where I am, and it doesn't give me any information about physical bus stop locations. I feel a pole with my cane, I think it's a bus stop, but it turns out it isn’t. There's no way as a blind person to be able to identify physical bus stops." In a video posted at, Bill Oats, a vice president at Perkins, says the goal is to use micronavigation, as opposed to wayfinding and GPS, to get you the last 25 or 30 feet to your destination. Read the entire article at: Links: The Perkins School got a $750,000 Google grant to change how blind people take the bus (with video 2:15) Bus Stop Challenge