Avoiding Stumbles, from Spacewalks to Sidewalks From: Wireless Design Magazine - 07/21/2016 At the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction researchers presented the results of a preliminary study designed to determine what types of stimuli, administered to what parts of the foot, could provide the best navigation cues to prevent falls. On the basis of that study, they're planning further trials using a prototype of an instrumented haptic boot. The work could also have applications in the design of navigation systems for the visually impaired. The development of such systems has been hampered by a lack of efficient and reliable means of communicating spatial information to users. There's some prior work on using vibrating insoles to alert people with impaired proprioception - physical self-awareness - when they're beginning to tip off-balance. Read the entire article at: https://www.wirelessdesignmag.com/news/2016/07/avoiding-stumbles-spacewalks-sidewalks Links: A virtual "guide dog" for navigation http://news.mit.edu/2016/virtual-guide-dog-wearable-device-0202 Leia Stirling http://aeroastro.mit.edu/faculty-research/faculty-list/leia-stirling