Electronic eyewear that lets people with vision loss actually see! From: eSight website eSight is a revolutionary breakthrough - electronic glasses that let people with vision loss actually see! eSight is the only patented eyewear solution that allows people with visual impairment to see again, in a way that's often very close to normal vision. eSight is wearable, hands-free, portable, comfortable and mobile. eSight's wearable, hands-free headset houses a small, high-speed camera that captures everything the eSight user is looking at. The captured live video stream is instantly sent to a powerful computer that uses proprietary software to process each pixel of video captured by the camera. The enhanced video is sent back to the headset and displayed on two, powerful Organic-LED screens in front of the user's eyes. Typically, these full color video images can be clearly seen by the eSight user with unprecedented visual clarity - in essence breaking through most underlying eye conditions that cause their blindness. eSight website: http://www.esighteyewear.com How Does eSight Work? (with video 2:25) http://www.esighteyewear.com/learn-more/how-does-esight-work New eyewear technology offers hope for visually impaired (with video 1:19) http://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-eyewear-technology-offers-hope-for-visually-impaired Submitted by Abby Tamara