Electric Fork Tricks Tongue into Tasting Salt From: Medical Design Technology - 04/05/2016 By: Sam Brusco People with heart disease or hypertension have to adhere to a low-sodium diet to prevent the risk of a critical event due to rising blood pressure. But one flavorful Japanese research project might be able to trick the tongue into a saltier taste with an electrified fork. Hiromi Nakamura of the Rekimoto Lab in the University of Tokyo has designed a fork with a rechargeable battery, which lasts about six hours per charge, and an electric circuit. The user merely puts the fork on their tongue, and pushes a button on the handle to activate one of three levels of saltiness. Although somewhat unintuitive for a fork, the prototype is not waterproof. Read the entire article at: http://www.mdtmag.com/blog/2016/04/electric-fork-tricks-tongue-tasting-salt Link: Electric Fork Adds Taste to Salt-free Meal http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp/atclen/news_en/15mk/032500469