Disability Awareness: The Fight for Accessibility From: Nature - 04/06/2016 By: Eryn Brown An aisle too narrow, a lab bench too high: the scientific world is a complex place for researchers with disabilities. But many of them find ingenious ways to make it work. Scientists who have disabilities use a growing array of specialized equipment to enable them to carry out research. Success requires desire, grit, and ingenuity. Researchers who have trouble seeing, hearing or with mobility need creative workarounds in the lab and field. They may have to design their own equipment. They need a crew of friends, peers, and mentors who can provide support. And they must seek work that capitalizes on their strengths, accepting that some assignments may be beyond their reach - at least for now. Read the entire article at: http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/articles/10.1038/nj7597-137a http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/2016/160407/pdf/nj7597-137a.pdf Links: STEMM Disability Advisory Committee http://www.stemdisability.org.uk AAAS Entry Point! http://www.aaas.org/program/entrypoint Submitted by Brianna Blaser