"Star Wars" helmet for detecting concussion From: AlphaGalileo - 05/10/2016 The Norwegian company Smartbrain, which works with EEG-based diagnoses, came up with the idea to develop a portable system that could detect concussion at an early stage so that the right treatment could be given as soon as possible. With a patented idea for a new method of running EEGs, the company launched an EU-funded project which has just been completed. In the new system developed during this project, Smartbrain has focused on developing a device that makes assembly fast and recording completely automatic. An elastic membrane is fitted inside the helmet which ensures that the same pressure is applied to all parts of the scalp. If a negative pressure is then applied within the helmet, the membrane will inflate to enable the helmet to be placed on the patient's head. A conducting gel is then released to establish electrical contact and signal recording can begin after about a minute. Read the entire article at: http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=163954&CultureCode=en http://sciencenordic.com/star-wars-helmet-detecting-concussion http://eandt.theiet.org/news/2016/may/star-wars-helmet-eeg.cfm Link: EmerEEG (with video 1:53) http://www.emereeg.com