Danny's Week Long Makeathon From: Abilities Expo - 10/30/2016 Meet Daniel who has CP, a cortical vision impairment and a big challenge. His low vision meant he had challenges navigating his surroundings from his wheelchair. Accidents would happen because he could not see edges - falling off the side of a ramp, down some stairs. Enter the Makeathon and a solution! A Makeathon is where a group of individuals come together to collaborate and solve a specific challenge. At this workshop you’ll hear Daniel’s story, and discover how a weeklong Makeathon designed a new type of edge detection system that notifies Danny when he drives near stairs or other ledges. The Makeathon team will be on hand to tell the story and share how you can use a Makeathon to create solutions to similar problems. "Our friend Danny Stickney has cerebral palsy and a cortical vision impairment. We immersed ourselves a whole week in his home identifying daily challenges and coming up with creative solutions, with the aim of preventing injury and promoting independence. For the first three days we executed experiments to quantify his cognitive, motor and sensory capabilities. We discovered his biggest challenge is navigation, especially in new environments where he has no spatial memories of. We hacked his wheelchair to add ramp lateral edge detection, frontal drop off detection, and backing assistance through multi-modal feedback." View the video (5:58) at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Id4Oansxw