A software tool conceived for blind people could offer an intuitive way for anyone to listen to online material From: MIT Technology Review - 09/2015 - page 59 By: David Talbot Yevgen Borodin's software, Capti Narrator, serves as a hub for spoken material drawn from many written sources: Dropbox, Google Drive, Web pages, e-book repositories such as Bookshare and Gutenberg, and more. To create the software, Borodin and his team at Charmtech devised ways of extracting content from documents and websites and running it through text-to-speech engines. The software also lets users start listening on one device and continue on another, picking up where they left off. Read the entire article at: http://www.technologyreview.com/lists/innovators-under-35/2015/humanitarian/yevgen-borodin Links: Yevgen Borodin http://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~borodin Capti Narrator https://www.captivoice.com/capti-site https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/capti-narrator/id437052502