Home-made wheelchair helps injured pets in Balkans From: Yahoo! News - 03/07/2015 By: Jovana Gec When his dog Mica suffered a spinal injury, Dragan Dimitrijevic made her a wheelchair, using small wheels, plastic pipes and old belts. It worked: the foxy-looking mongrel was back in the park in no time, other dogs barking and sniffing inquisitively at the strange construction dangling along. Though homemade from used parts, word of Mica's wheelchair spread swiftly among dog lovers in not-so-animal-friendly Serbia. Other pet owners with similar problems started calling, and Dimitrijevic was soon taking orders. Read the entire article at: http://news.yahoo.com/home-made-wheelchair-helps-injured-pets-balkans-125531028.html Submitted by John W. Richardson