How might virtual reality change the world? Stanford lab peers into future From: CBS News - 06/18/2015 By: Ines Novacic Virtual reality has the potential to promote a better understanding of what it's like to be someone else - a refugee in a war zone, for example. Studying the effects of those uses, and the psychological effects of VR use in general, has always been the main focus of the lab. Jeremy Bailenson, the director of the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford, listed how several of his studies that focused on empathy - for example, making someone visually impaired through VR - yielded results that demonstrated the VR experience made participants more altruistic in real life. Read the entire article and view a vide (2:25) at: Links: Virtual Human Interaction Lab Jeremy Bailenson The Effect of Embodied Experiences on Self-Other Merging, Attitude, and Helping Behavior