Calling Out America's Terrible Sidewalks with a Magic Cart From: Wired - 12/04/2013 By: Ted Greenwald The old way to see if a sidewalk is wheelchair-friendly: Crawl around on your hands and knees to measure cracks and ramps. The new way: Peter Axelson’s three-wheeled cart. Beneficial Design got a grant to develop technology for assessing sidewalk compliance with the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. The result is Prowap (for Public Rights-of-Way Assessment Process). A worker rolls the vehicle — which comes programmed with federal, state, and local rules — through town, and sensors note whenever a crucial variable (like a too-steep ramp) breaks the rules. Read the entire article at: Links: Benefical Designs Public Rights of Way Assessment Process (PROWAP) Submitted by Peter Axelson