Lully-By Vibrating Pod Prevents Night Terrors From: Wireless Design - 03/18/2015 Night terrors are very common among young children, and when they strike, the whole family can suffer. Lully, a new device that works on the idea of "scheduled awakenings," has been proven to stop 90 percent of night terrors in a landmark clinical study. The Lully system includes a vibrating pod which gets placed beneath a child's mattress and communicates with a smartphone via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). It vibrates gently to move a child to a safer stage of sleep, preventing night terrors from ever occurring. The App will notify parents when it is time to turn on Lully. It is only once a night and is always before 11 PM. After receiving a notification on their phone, parents go to their child's room to turn on Lully using the App allowing the device to run for 3 minutes. Read the article at: Links: Lully Sleep (with video 2:04) Bluetooth Low Energy