Motion Sickness Simulator Could Prevent Seasickness From: Medical Design Technology - 09/04/2015 The cause of motion sickness is still a mystery but a popular theory among scientists says it is to do with confusing messages received by our brains from both our ears and eyes, when we are moving. It is a very common complaint and has the potential to affect all of us, meaning we get a bit queasy on boats or rollercoasters. However, around three in ten people experience hard-to-bear motion sickness symptoms, such as dizziness, severe nausea, cold sweats, and more. Research from Imperial College London, published September 4, 2015 in the journal Neurology, shows that a mild electrical current applied to the scalp can dampen responses in an area of the brain that is responsible for processing motion signals. Doing this helps the brain reduce the impact of the confusing inputs it is receiving and so prevents the problem that causes the symptoms of motion sickness. Read the entire article at: Links: Highly effective seasickness treatment on the horizon (with video 2:00) Electrocortical Therapy for Motion Sickness