Wearable Air Bag Protects against Hip Fractures From: Machine Design - 10/19/2014 By: Stephen Mraz Every year, one out of every three adults over the age of 65 falls, causing five times as many hospital stays as any other accidents and costing Medicare beneficiaries anywhere from $14,000 to $20,000. Worse yet, one in five of the people who fracture their hips die within a year of the initial accident. To reduce the pain and suffering caused by hip fractures, engineers at ActiveProtective, Lehigh Valley, PA, developed a wearable air bag that inflates to protect the wearer from injuries. They, in turn, teamed with engineers from Boston Device Development, Newton, MA, a contract product-development firm, to help develop the air bag. Read the entire article at: http://machinedesign.com/medical/wearable-air-bag-protects-against-hip-fractures Links: Boston Device Development http://www.bostondevice.com ActiveProtective http://www.activeprotect.com