Handicapped Parking Cheat Faces Perfect Creative Revenge From: Yahoo - 07/30/2015 By: Kelly Phillips Badal "Every once in a while, the Internet coughs up a gem of vigilante citizen justice, and we particularly enjoyed this video of a non-disabled man in Maringa, Brazil, who thoughtlessly parked in a handicapped-accessible parking spot." "The clip shows the anonymous driver returning to find his car covered in thousands of Post-it note 'reminders' cleverly arranged to form the oversize international wheelchair symbol. It’s as creative a revenge as we've seen in a long time. And bonus points for not causing any permanent damage to the vehicle." Read the entire article at: https://www.yahoo.com/makers/we-think-this-handicapped-parking-scofflaw-got-the-125450548670.html Watch the video (4:36) at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNtkzRQUTKM Submitted by John W. Richardson