Study of Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression Fails to Demonstrate Efficacy From: Medical Design Technology - 07/28/2015 Because of the clinical urgency, deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatments for depression have been developed over the past 15 years. These treatments require surgery to make a small hole in the skull through which an electrode is passed into a specific brain region. Once positioned, a standard electrical stimulation procedure is initiated, which is modeled after highly effective DBS treatments that are used for Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, and other neurologic conditions. In the current issue of Biological Psychiatry, Dr. Darin Dougherty and his colleagues report the results of the first large-scale, randomized, sham-controlled trial of deep brain stimulation treatment for treatment-resistant symptoms of depression. Thirty patients received active DBS or sham 'placebo' stimulation for 16 weeks, targeted at the ventral capsule and ventral striatum, brain regions implicated in reward and motivation. A two-year open-label continuation phase followed. This study, conducted at five medical centers across the US that collaborated on the project, failed to find that DBS reduced depression symptoms better than sham stimulation. Read the entire article at: Related: Scientists have made people more creative using electrical stimulation Next step: Using the technique to treat depression. Scientists use brain stimulation to boost creativity, set stage to potentially treat depression Scientists have improved adults' memory using electrical stimulation