New Promise of Relief for Major Depression From: Scientific American - 01/20/2015 By: Gary Stix Deep-brain stimulation has shown potential to help the up to 20 percent of patients with major depression who don’t get relief from medication, psychotherapy or other means Implantation of electrodes deep within the brain is now commonly performed for treatment of the neurological disorders Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor. But the use of deep-brain stimulation, as it is known, is expanding. It is now being assessed in as many as 200 patients for major depression - and is being considered for other disorders such as anorexia. Read the entire article and view a video (1:01:11) at: --- An Electrode in the Brain Turns Off Depression From: Scientific American - 02/2015 By: Andres M. Lozano and Helen S. Mayberg Electrical stimulation deep within the brain may alleviate devastating mood disorders Read the preview article at: