The Real-Life Dangers of Augmented Reality From: IEEE Spectrum - 06/23/2015 By; Eric Sabelman and Roger Lam Augmented reality can impair our perception, but good design can minimize the hazards With augmented-reality gear barely on the market, rigorous studies of its effects on vision and mobility have yet to be done. But in reviewing the existing research on the way people perceive and interact with the world around them, we found a number of reasons to be concerned. Augmented reality can cause you to misjudge the speed of oncoming cars, underestimate your reaction time, and unintentionally ignore the hazards of navigating in the real world. And the worst thing about it: Until something bad happens, you won't know you’re at greater risk of harm. Read the entire article at: Related: Digital messages on vehicle windshields make driving less safe Submitted by Eric Sabelman